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Creating Simple, Life-Changing Summer Goals as a Student

Posted on:June 5, 2023 at 

I finished another school year and gained many hours of free time in the summer. I want to promote self-growth during this season of my life. These are the targets I will aim for in June 2023. By reading my plans, I hope you can discover goals you can write for your future self. These are the goals I made for myself:

Post an article on my website every Sunday of this month.

I created this website to express my ideas to others. I spent money to buy a domain for this website and committed time to developing it. I want to use this to spread ideas. When I follow this goal, I will improve my writing skills and show my commitment to developing projects.

Even though you may not have a website, you can still develop and share ideas. Consider a journaling habit. Is there anything remarkable or memorable from today? Write that down. Is there a specific way you feel after doing this thing? Write that down. You have good ideas; if you write them down, you can develop and remember them. You can also write down your bad ideas to your benefit. Writing them down will allow you to identify better why these thoughts are not good and find better ideas.

Commit to an exercise routine by the end of the month.

I want to become a more fit person. In my youth, I was into video games, sitting in one spot and not moving my body. This sedentary lifestyle is a lifestyle I want to move away from. This month, I want to see what it’s like to have an active lifestyle. I want to get my body moving. I want to find an exercise routine that works for me. I have researched online about going to the gym, but I have yet to try physically going to any gym. I want to know what it’s like to live an active lifestyle, and committing to an exercise routine will help me move toward this lifestyle.

You may already be committed to an active, healthy lifestyle. You may live a sedentary lifestyle you want to move away from. If you haven’t already, try doing some amount of exercise. Go for a walk. Look for a beginner exercise routine online. Go to the gym. These small actions will allow you to understand what it is like to live actively. If you are already committed to an active lifestyle, keep going. It is a rewarding lifestyle to live.

Read one chapter of a book each week of the month.

I have multiple unread books on my bookshelf. They all have to do with self-development in some way, and I know if I do not read them, these books will not add any value to my life. I want to start reading these books to add that value to my life. There is information in those books that I can use to improve my life, but I will only know what that information is once I read those books.

You could find reading easy, or you could find reading difficult and painful to do. Reading is a great way to learn new information. If it works for you, keep reading. Although books are great for immersion and soaking knowledge, you may need a different method. Audiobooks are a slightly different learning medium; you may find listening easier or more beneficial than reading. Videos may be better for you, but they can be overstimulating, and you may find it more challenging to do other activities afterward. Find what works best for you, and commit to using it to learn.


Changing your life depends more on multiple small, consistent actions over a long period than a massive, one-time action. Creating easy goals that demand consistency will allow you to take advantage of this. The undemanding nature of the plan will lower the difficulty of committing to it over the long term.

These plans are based on SMART goals. SMART goals are called that because they are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. This paradigm makes it easier to take action on the objectives you set during this time by enforcing time pressure to encourage you to work on the goals. In other words, they are trackable and easy enough to do. Using this paradigm will make tracking your progress straightforward. Although your plans may not perfectly fit into this idea, you can still use these to set up significant changes in your life. If you need inspiration, take it from my tips and advice, or search online for other ideas. If you’re a student like me, you’ll have ample time to spend this summer altering your life. Using goals will allow you to intentionally devote this time to growing as a person.

I would love to hear about your successes and failures with your attempts to set goals in this period of your life. Feel free to contact me at if you want to chat. Have a wonderful day!

Written by Joshua Coquia, edited by Gurmukh Singh