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Discomfort is the Key to Fulfillment

Posted on:June 26, 2023 at 

It feels difficult and painful to push out of your comfort zone. So… why do it?

Discomfort is the Key to Fulfillment

Comfortable Activities

When I lie down, scrolling through my phone, I find my life meaningless. What’s the point of my life when this is all I do?

It’s so easy to stay in your comfort zone. Social media will eagerly grab your attention, having you mindlessly consume somewhat entertaining content for hours. Eating junk food is quick, appealing, and cheap. Video games demand very little of you physically, especially compared to real-life activities.

Many of the activities that do nothing to improve your life are extremely easy to do. Although you’ll have instant gratification—immediate, short-term pleasure—from these activities, they will not benefit you in the future. Avoid the things you know you will not gain long-term benefits from. Despite how enticing these activities seem beforehand, you know how you will feel afterward.

Uncomfortable Activities

When I go on my computer to create work, such as these articles, I feel more content with my life. When I speak up in a class discussion, I feel better about myself, whether or not my opinion is considered “correct.” It’s like I’m contributing to the world. When I follow my workout routine, I feel more powerful. I know these activities will benefit me, so why may I refuse to do them?

Many of the activities that add value to your life will feel uncomfortable to do. Working out will strengthen you, but being consistent with a workout routine is difficult. Eating healthier foods is difficult when being enticed with junk food. Doing homework is difficult when you can scroll through social media.

Pushing through discomfort to do these activities is beneficial. Do these actions that gift delayed gratification—a reward for your future self. Remind yourself that you are building a future version of yourself. Attempt to do these rewarding activities despite experiencing discomfort.

Dealing With Discomfort

One way to deal with discomfort is to release the feelings of it. Attempt to accept how difficult a task is while letting go of the tension you feel.

Another way to deal with discomfort is to take a related action. Doing anything will give you momentum, giving you the power to take a less comfortable action.

Written by Joshua Coquia, Edited by Gurmukh Singh